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We do not take our responsibility lightly and we look forward to serving you. 

Scott Johnson, CFP®,AIF®Photo Scott Johnson, CFP®,AIF®Hover Photo
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Scott Johnson, CFP®,AIF®

Partner & 高级理财规划师

Scott Johnson, CFP®, AIF®, CPFA

Partner & 高级理财规划师

Scott Johnson, is 注册财务规划师™(CFP®) and a third-generation financial advisor. 1993年,他在华尔街的一家投资银行公司开始了他在金融服务行业的职业生涯. 1999年,Scott加入摩根士丹利,并很快成为摩根士丹利Mesa和Scottsdale的新濠天地现金部门协调员, 亚利桑那州的分支. Scott拥有FINRA系列65执照,他是全国计划顾问协会(NAPA)的注册计划信托顾问(CPFA™)。. Scott还获得了认可投资受托人(AIF®)的称号,这使他在行业中脱颖而出,成为一名法律上有义务始终为客户的最佳利益行事并保持法律规定的最高道德标准的顾问.

为了获得CFP®认证,Mr. Johnson had to have a minimum of 3 years financial planning experience, complete a rigorous 6-month college graduate course of study in the areas of Ethics, Insurance, 投资, 退休, Taxation, 及遗产规划, 然后通过综合两天, 10小时考试.

斯科特的成绩是B.A. from Brigham Young University and lives with his wife and children in Mesa, Arizona. 斯科特热衷于跑步和三项全能运动. He counts completing the Ironman and two Boston Marathons among his many accomplishments.

CJ哈里森, CFP®,AIF®Photo CJ哈里森, CFP®,AIF®Hover Photo
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CJ哈里森, CFP®,AIF®

Partner & 高级理财规划师


Partner & 高级理财规划师

CJ哈里森, is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ Professional (CFP®) and Vice President at DecisionPoint Financial.  CJ负责设计, 实现, and monitoring customized financial planning solutions for individuals, families, 企业主, & 在第一时间作出回应.  CJ还担任DecisionPoint的投资委员会成员.

In 2019, CJ被投资新闻(InvestmentNews)评选为“40岁以下40人”(40 Under 40),他们在财务规划领域做出了杰出的贡献.**

CJ在犹他谷大学获得了个人财务规划学士学位,犹他谷大学是美国顶尖的CFP®注册课程之一. CJ还拥有认可投资受托人(AIF®)和认证计划受托人顾问(CPFA™)的称号.  

CJ在社区中非常活跃,并不断寻找回馈母校和整个财务规划行业的方法.  他目前担任犹他谷大学财务规划项目顾问委员会成员,并经常担任该大学各种课程的客座讲师. 

CJ is a native of Utah and a former collegiate baseball player who loves all things sports. 闲暇时他喜欢打高尔夫球, 呆在户外, 尝试新餐厅, 和他的妻子一起旅行 & daughters.

**InvestmentNews是一份全国性出版物,每年发行一次, 自2014年以来, 他们根据迄今为止的成就等因素,评选出40个年龄在40岁以下的行业职业, 对行业的贡献, 领导, 并承诺. Approximately 1,000 nominees were considered and 40 were chosen to receive the award. The nominations are read and vetted by an internal group of editors and reporters at InvestmentNews. Mr. Harrison did not apply for this award, nor did he pay a fee to win or be considered for this award.
在接受这个奖项后. 哈里森接受了InvestmentNews的采访,向他们提供了关于他自己的更多信息, 公司.      
The award may not be representative of any one client's experience, 不是一种认可, 并不能代表顾问的未来表现. InvestmentNews不隶属于DecisionPoint Financial.**
Matt Daley, CFP®,AIF®Photo Matt Daley, CFP®,AIF®Hover Photo
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Matt Daley, CFP®,AIF®

Partner & 高级理财规划师

Matt Daley, CFP®, AIF®

Partner & 高级理财规划师

Matt Daley是合伙人 & DecisionPoint Financial的高级理财规划师.  Matt lives in Gig Harbor, Washington where he services wealth management and institutional clients.  His primary responsibilities include financial analysis, portfolio management, trading and research.  Matt在为DecisionPoint的客户制定和展示财务计划方面也扮演着重要的角色.

Matt began his career in financial services at a private wealth management firm in 2015. He earned his Bachelor's in Personal 财务规划 from Utah Valley University, 全国顶尖的CFP®董事会注册课程之一, 以优异成绩毕业.  马特是FINRA系列65许可, 注册财务规划师™(CFP®), 及认可投资受托人(AIF®).

马特和他的妻子安娜·玛丽喜欢花时间旅行, skiing, 在户外和两个漂亮的女儿玩耍.  Matt is an avid outdoorsman and he grew up in the mountains hunting, fishing, and hiking.

布雷特·亚当斯,AIF®,CPFA™照片 布雷特·亚当斯,AIF®,CPFA™Hover Photo
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布雷特·亚当斯,AIF®, CPFA, MPA


In his capacity as the 新濠天地现金服务处处长 for DecisionPoint Financial, Brett Adams has responsibility over all of the Firm’s Institutional client relationships.   布雷特无限的能量, 他帮助别人的热情, 他独特的解决问题的能力使他非常适合与计划发起人和计划参与者一起工作,以确保成功的新濠天地现金体验. 

Brett持有认可投资受托人(AIF®) & Certified Plan Fiduciary Advisor (CPFA™) designations and is dedicated to providing pure, 向401(k)计划发起人提供信托投资建议, 新濠天地现金参与者. 

As the Firm’s primary point of contact for Plan Sponsor fiduciaries, 包括计划受托人, 计划管理员, 人力资源人员, 布雷特负责ERISA合规, 定期召开计划评审会议, 协调学员教育和招生会议, 并担任与第三方管理员(TPA)和记录管理员的所有客户通信的四分卫. 

为每个新濠天地现金的参与者, Brett’s goal is to remove the mystery out of saving for retirement through education and empowerment. 布雷特亲自与参与者一起工作,以确保他们了解如何为自己的个人退休目标做最好的准备.

Brett作为犹他州最大的医疗保健提供商Intermountain Healthcare的金融分析师开始了他的金融职业生涯. As a financial analyst he managed physicians’ financial contracts and retirement plan options. 布雷特继续在Intermountain管理几家医疗保健诊所,监督员工关系, 临床的预算, 预算分析. 他在迪克西州立大学获得通信学士学位,在那里他打过大学棒球和篮球. He went on to earn a Master’s degree in Public Administration from Brigham Young University. 

布雷特说一口流利的西班牙语,他花了大量的空闲时间在他的教堂和社区服务.  He enjoys staying active in sports including golf, basketball and baseball.  布雷特喜欢听古典摇滚, 吃辛辣食物, 和他的妻子和孩子们一起出去玩.

安妮塔·斯帕克曼摄 安妮塔Spackman Hover Photo
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安妮塔·斯帕克曼最适合被描述为一个真正的人.  她的目标是为每一位客户提供一个积极向上的经验,当她与你互动.

安妮塔是一位妻子,也是四个孩子的骄傲母亲.  Outside of work she stays busy attending her kids’ basketball, football, and tumbling events.  当她和丈夫不工作或不带孩子的时候, 他们喜欢从大峡谷的边缘到另一个边缘旅行和徒步旅行.  安妮塔热衷于帮助那些需要帮助的人,她积极地在教堂服务,并在当地社区做志愿者.

Devin Miller, CFP®,AIF®Photo Devin Miller, CFP®,AIF®Hover Photo
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Devin Miller, CFP®,AIF®

高级副 & 理财规划师

Devin Miller, CFP®,AIF®

高级副 & 理财规划师

在完成了一次非常成功的公司实习之后, 作为一名才华横溢的理财规划师,戴文的技能给我们留下了深刻的印象,我们为他提供了一份全职工作.  Devin从小就喜欢与人与数字打交道,作为一名理财规划师,他很高兴能在自己的职业生涯中同时做这两件事.  Devin获得了著名的注册财务规划师(CFP®)称号以及认可投资受托人(AIF®)称号. 

Devin在犹他谷大学(UVU)获得了个人财务规划学士学位,辅修了商业管理,并以优异的成绩毕业.  在弗吉尼亚大学,Devin是PFP学生协会(PFPSA)的活跃成员。, 财务规划协会(FPA)的地方分会, 他被选为UVU极具声望的, 2020年FPA比赛团队,他在全国排名第二.

Outside of the office Devin’s passions include cars, leather working, and sports – especially soccer.  Devin很自豪自己娶了一个注册护士. In their free time Devin and his wife love playing with their beautiful daughter, dog, 和朋友和家人出去玩, 玩棋盘游戏. 

Chadd Peachey,注册会计师®,AIF®,AFC®Photo Chadd Peachey,注册会计师®,AIF®,AFC®Hover Photo
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Chadd Peachey,注册会计师®,AIF®,AFC®

高级副 & 理财规划师

Chadd Peachey,注册会计师®, AIF®, AFC®

高级副 & 理财规划师

Chadd Peachey从Vanguard加入DecisionPoint,在那里他曾担任高净值财务顾问. We recognize Chadd as a skilled financial planner and a genuinely good and caring human being. He plays an important role in building and presenting financial plans to clients.

Chadd第一次开始理财规划是在大学里,他志愿担任财务顾问,并指导学生和社区的人们. He earned his Bachelor's  in Personal 财务规划 from Utah Valley University (UVU), 全国顶尖的CFP®董事会注册课程之一, 以优异成绩毕业. 毕业后, Chadd获得了著名的Michael Kitces奖,该奖项颁发给一位对行业充满热情并愿意帮助他人的大学毕业生. Chadd是注册财务规划师(CFP®), Accredited Investment Fiduciary (AIF®) and an Accredited Financial Counselor (AFC®).  He is passionate about building strong relationships with clients and offering them sound, fiduciary, 财务建议. 

Chadd and his wife Haley have three young boys which keep them very busy in their spare time. They enjoy many activities outside of work including exploring the outdoors, 水肺潜水, boating, hiking, 和男孩子们一起做运动, 和游泳. They also enjoy being with friends and family and traveling to visit them in Arizona, Utah, 和加州. You will discover that Chadd enjoys talking about good food and places to eat. 

摩根·温特斯摄 摩根的冬天 Hover照片
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摩根·温特斯生活和工作在华盛顿州吉格港.  摩根乐于助人的热情, 还有她的创造精神, 是什么促使她攻读财务规划学位的.  She earned her Bachelor's in Personal 财务规划 from Utah Valley University in 2020.  在加入DecisionPoint之前, 摩根在普罗沃的一家财务规划公司工作了三年, 在那里她专注于客户服务.

摩根在犹他州一个关系密切的家庭中长大.  Her quick wit and sense of humor are infectious and she loves to make people laugh.  She enjoys the outdoors and travels whenever she gets the chance.  摩根喜欢参加任何运动.  She happily admits that she’s not very good at sports, but she enjoys playing them nonetheless.

科特尼·巴姆里克照片 科特尼·巴姆里克·哈弗照片
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Kortney Bamrick


Kortney Bamrick


Kortney brings a variety of financial services experience to the DecisionPoint team.  After graduating from Arizona State University with a Bachelor’s in Communications, Kortney joined Merrill Edge where she became Series 7 and Series 66 licensed.  美林, 科特尼担任退休教育专家,帮助401(k)计划的参与者了解他们的退休福利,并教育他们成功地为退休储蓄所需的步骤.  在加入DecisionPoint之前, Kortney served as a Client Service Manager at Charles Schwab.  在嘉信理财工作期间她主要与嘉信理财的机构新濠天地现金客户以及外部第三方管理人(TPA)合作.  

科特尼在亚利桑那州长大,现在住在吉尔伯特. She enjoys spending time with her husband and family, along with her dog Mila and her two cats. In her free time, Kortney’s passions include shopping, reading, and traveling to new places.  When the weather is cool, you will find her outdoors or hiking on local trails with her dog.

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